Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Walk With God

    Hello again blog-o-sphere!  It certainty has been a while!  Unfortunately, I can't promise that that will be changing anytime soon seeing that I am now a college student.  Nevertheless,  I really would like to share with you a cool little reflection I had recently.

    Let's start off by going to Genesis chapter three.  If you've read the beginning of this book, you know that the main theme is the sin of Adam and Eve.  What you may also recall is the knowledge of Adam being able to "Walk with God in the cool of the day".  Now, have you ever looked at that and thought to yourself," How awesome would that be if I could do the same?  What if I could be in Adam's shoes?". Or feet.....the shoe thing didn't come until later.  Anyway, I know for sure that I've thought of this many times.  Isn't it just the coolest thought to entertain?  If only we could actually do such a thing!  

Hang on a minute, what if we actually can do that.  What if we LITERALLY can take a walk with God?  Stop giving me that funny look and just hear me out.

    As you should now, when you go to receive Holy Communion, you are NOT consuming a mere wafer.  Rather, you are taking into your heart the Body Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ Himself.  Now, if I was to ask you what happens after that, you'd probably say something like," I go back to the pew and pray." least, I should hope you'd say that as opposed to," I walk right out the door because mass is pretty much over anyway." In that case, I may just have to pull a St. Nicholas on you if you know what I mean.....(kidding). Anyway, before I get on another day's topic, let's move on. 
    The only problem with the answer you should respond with is the fact that it's not quite complete.  You see, instead of the words "I go back..", what should replace it is," I take a walk with God....".  Think about it, if we have Jesus Christ Himself right there in our mouths as we walk, then aren't we, in a manner of speaking, "taking a walk with God"?  Furthermore, the first time man could walk with God was in the Garden of Eden which at the time, could be represented as a sort of heaven at least compared to the rest of the world.  Now that this is made possible again, is it not fitting that we can not only go on that priceless walk, but also, be able to do so in what is "heaven on earth" (A.K.A. The Holy Sacrifice of the mass) as did Adam all those many years ago?

  Yes, kneeling is the most respectful posture to be in when praying (in the Roman Rite), but while you are in the process of getting there, what's to stop you from praying on the way? After all, prayer is like "talking to God" so why not treasure the moment and talk with Him while you walk with Him?  He is the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful God who has humbled Himself to the point of taking on the appearance of bread and wine just so He can be with you in the deepest physical way possible to man.  Don't waste even a moment of that.

    It's not like you are committing a sin if you don't, but I'd definitely recommend taking advantage of the opportunity.  I know I have since I first thought of it a couple weeks back and it has honestly been such a beautiful addition to my mass experience.  I challenge you to do the same!

Thanks for reading everyone and please be sure to check out my YouTube channel and Facebook page! Viva Cristo Rey!


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