Thursday, June 26, 2014

Intoduction blog

  Hey there!  This is basically going to be the story of why I am starting this blog and what I plan to do with it.  In October of 2012, I made my first (Catholic) video on YouTube.  At the time, I had no idea that people would even watch my videos, but I did them anyway because even if I made a difference in one person's life, it would be worth it.  However, a few months later, I heard about this thing called "New Catholic Generation" and ended up becoming a part of it.  This not only made my stats go up, but more importantly, I have learned more about my faith and formed new friendships for which I am truly thankful.

  Being a "vlogger" on YouTube for the past year and eight months has been fantastic. I've had fun: Creating new characters like "Baby Bob" and "Tolerant Tim" to help make my points, having friends help me out in order to bring some more humor into my videos, and even meeting two other Catholic vloggers in person.  Now, from watching my very first video, there is one thing you could be absolutely sure of. That is my stance on abortion.  I am completely pro-life and accept the Church's teaching that life begins at the very moment of conception.  Not only do I have about six or seven videos devoted to talking about the abortion issue, but you'll often here me refer to "the evils of abortion" in other videos when I am trying to make a point. Anyway, long story short, these videos gave me the opportunity to give prolife presentations to two Youth Groups and a Woman's group in my diocese along with a friend of mine. I basically talked about why you need to be pro-life and why you should do something to try and end abortion, then my friend talked about what you could do to help.
  So now, I have a YouTube channel, I'm giving pro-life presentations and that's good enough right? Wrong!  You see, God doesn't want us to stay in one place.  He wants us to keep going, keep reaching out to others and keep growing closer to Him.  So, back towards the beginning of April, Shawn Carney, the co-founder of 40 Days for life, came to the midpoint rally of the 40 Days for Life campaign we had going on. I was fortunate enough not only get a picture with him, but also to have a conversation with him.  During this conversation, I naturally brought up the topic of my vlog. He then gave me some advice on how to promote my channel and one of the things he mentioned was to create a blog. 

Now, my first thought when he said this was," Nope, can't do that one because with school, videos, and presentations, I really don't have the time".  So I dismissed that idea and moved on. So two months passed by in which I finished my Junior year of high school and continued making videos. It was around the first week of June that the idea of a blog came to mind again. "Nope" I said to myself," you won't have time once school starts up again". But as the summer went on, I found myself with less and less to do even with weekly videos. Now, when I told myself that I wouldn't have time, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't have to promise a blog a month as I have for videos, I could just do it when I had time. Of course me being incredibly stubborn and thickheaded, I came up with the excuse that I didn't even know what I could talk about that wouldn't be better in a video. But then, a few days later, I found some notes that had topics which would fit in a blog much better than in a video.
  Now I am at the point where I am seriously considering, but seriously avoiding the idea of starting a blog.  So I ended up saying a little prayer which basically told God that I didn't think I could do this. Well, apparently, He didn't buy that because up until now, every time I would so much as think of the word "blog" someone would bring it up.  With this happening almost every single day and after talking to a few friends, I finally decided to go ahead and give it a shot.
  So that's the story, but now what am I going to do with it?  Well, I am mostly going to be talking about specifically Catholic things. But every now and then, there may be a something related to Catholic stuff such as movies, books etc.  I may also do some blogs that cover different things that teens go through in their everyday life. Now, as I have already made clear, I will not be blogging nearly as much once school starts again. However, if you ever need to contact me whether you are looking for answers to questions about the faith, advice, or just need someone to talk to, email me at I can't promise to be perfect, but I can promise to do my best. Lastly, please check out my YouTube Channel here.
Thanks for reading this and may God bless you!